Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a Personal NZRA Membership cost?
All Cars and Motorcycles Standard Roadside $62.50 per annum
Premium Roadside cars and motorcycles $92.50 per annum
Motorhome Roadside Assistance $71.50 per annum
See the terms and conditions for more details on our website.
What vehicles are covered under NZRA Personal memberships?
All modern and classic vehicle types are covered. This includes electric vehicles, Hybrids, Vans, Utes and Motorcycles. Cars need to be less than 3500kg and no longer than 5 meters long. For Motorhomes there are no weight or length restrictions.
What vehicles are covered under NZRA Commercial memberships?
NZRA has two covers for Commercial fleets Under 3500kg and over 3500kg up to 5000kg max tare weight. We cover fleets, company vehicles, commercial vehicles, taxis, Uber, Couriers. Light trucks. Price is discounted based on volumes as shown on Commercial Memberships including terms and conditions.
When can I use my NZRA membership?
Once you have purchased an NZRA Roadside membership there is a 48 hour stand down period, before it can be utilised. Your vehicle must not have any pre-existing faults when you purchase a membership. The policy is not eligible to be used for any breakdowns that occur during the 48 hour stand down. Assistance for such events will be at the members cost.
Can I transfer my NZRA Membership?
Memberships may be transferred if a new vehicle is purchased. Requests for this may be submitted in writing and a 48 hour stand down will apply before the transfer is activated.
Does someone need to be in attendance with the car to get NZRA Roadside assistance?
Yes, someone needs to be at the vehicle when the provider arrives. If there is an issue you will need to call/advise the Call centre to discuss a time to meet. 0508 697 623
If a provider turns up and you are not there, this counts as a call-out used. You will need to pay for a secondary call-out for the same event if you have not shown up.
Can my partner/spouse use my NZRA Membership?
NZRA Personal memberships covers the registered vehicle no matter who is driving.
Does my Membership cover me for free towing?
Yes, we’ll cover the initial tow costs to the nearest place of safety or closest repairer. If you want the vehicle towed beyond this, we can quote the additional costs and on charge you the difference via a credit or debit card. Note: accidents and bogged vehicles towed at members expense.
Can I/my passengers ride with the tow truck?
Whilst we endeavor to transport passengers where possible, the number of passengers we are able to transport is subject to the individual policies of the tow company, availability, and size of the truck
How do I contact you regarding my NZRA Membership?
You can call our NZRA Customer Contact Centre toll free on 0508 697 623 (NZROAD) 24/7 or send us an email to [email protected].
Can I put my NZRA Membership on hold?
NZRA memberships cannot be placed on hold and refunds are not issued for cancelled policies outside of the 48 hour stand down period, or where a callout has been utilized.
My car won’t start, how do I get road service?
Whether you’re a current member with NZRA or not, if you require immediate roadside assistance, please call our Toll free 0508 697 623 (NZROAD) 24/7 Nationwide breakdown coverage.
How do I renew my membership with NZRA?
To renew your membership visit – A reminder when your renewal is due will be sent via email within a month of your policy expiry date.
Are NZRA staff and service providers vaccinated against COVID-19?
Yes, all NZRA Call centre staff are fully vaccinated in line with NZ government Covid traffic light system and health and safety requirements. Our contractors abide by their own policies in regard to vaccinations/covid 19 in line with government advice
When you call us, we’ll ask if you or anyone you’re travelling with is at risk of having COVID-19. We may ask you a few questions to understand what the risk is, then we’ll work with you to provide directions on how to continue safely.
What's the difference between Emergency Roadside Assistance and Car Insurance?
Emergency Roadside Assistance provides breakdown support for mechanical issues and problems like flat batteries, punctured tyres and lockouts.
Car Insurance is separate to Emergency Roadside Assistance.
Car Insurance provides cover for damage you may unintentionally cause to people’s properties or vehicles as a result of an accident on the road, as well as other listed events such as theft, vandalism or fire. It doesn’t always include Emergency Roadside Assistance cover.
Is my trailer, boat or caravan covered for Roadside?
Trailers, boats and other towed vehicles are covered with NZRA Premium membership only. Boats, trailers and caravans are not covered on their own or when towed by a different vehicle to the one on the policy.
How long does roadside assistance take?
Usually, we’ll have someone out to help you within an hour of your call. However, sometimes the time it takes for help to arrive may vary depending on location and time of day/seasons/holiday periods.
Covid Guidelines
What to expect when we come to you
When we visit you to assist at home or on the road, we’ll take every precaution to keep everyone COVID-Safe. Here’s what you can expect, and how to get ready.
Before we arrive, when you call, we’ll
– Ask you to notify us if there is a COVID-19 risk at the property
– Work with you to assess the risk and determine how to proceed safely
If anything changes before your booking date, let us know
When we arrive we’ll
– Ask a few standard safety questions to assess if there is a COVID-19 risk onsite
– Ask that you wear a face mask when required
– Follow the latest COVID-Safe guidelines
While we’re there we’ll
– Wear a mask when required
– Maintain at least a 2m distance
– Minimise contact with surfaces and clean regularly where contact is required
– Reduce contact with cashless payments and electronic documents
Hygiene and safety standards
Our hygiene and safety standards are in place to make your interactions with us, and each other, safe
Staff vaccination
Our frontline staff are vaccinated in line with government requirements to ensure the ongoing safety of our staff, our members and all those we interact with.
Face masks
Masks must be worn in line with guidelines.
Physical distancing
We’re continuing to follow social distancing guidelines across all our venues and services.
Hygiene and cleaning
We’re continuing to provide increased cleaning and hand sanitiser stations.
Bookings and cancellations
In addition to your cooperation with our public health and physical distancing measures, we ask that you reschedule or postpone any services if you:
– Are feeling unwell and displaying cold or flu-like symptoms
– Have been diagnosed with COVID-19
– Are required to self-isolate.
If you need help rescheduling, give us a call 0508 697 623
Note We may not always be able to take passengers under Covid restrictions inside the transporter
Need urgent roadside assistance now?
If you don’t have roadside cover, but you need emergency breakdown or accident assistance call us toll free 24/7: 0508 NZROAD (697 623)
About Us
NZ Roadside Assist (NZRA), has been helping to keep Kiwis safe and moving on the roads since 2008. Servicing more than 450,000 customers, we’re trusted by some of the biggest names in insurance and vehicle rental services. Our quick, reliable knowledge and service has been recognised with an excellence award in the Service Provider of the Year category at the 2021 Insurance Business New Zealand Awards.
Get In Touch
09 477 0470
0508 697 623 (NZROAD)
[email protected]
Unit 3, Building D
59 Apollo Drive
New Zealand 0632
Postal Address:
PO Box 33 364
Takapuna, North Shore City
Auckland 0740

© 2021 New Zealand Roadside Assistance Limited / All Rights Reserved / Website by Fuel Media